finally told my mom I got married. did not go well

My younger cousin just got divorced and has pretty much immediately started dating a new guy, who has met the family within 1 months. He also spent some time with them over the Xmas period, and has also met the extended family.

Whereas I've been dating my bf 8 months and he still hasn't 'properly' met my family. He was supposed to come over Xmas but has had an operation and can't drive very far yet.

My mum disapproves of him and thinks he's 'using' me. Oh yeh mum, long con of 8 months 'using me'. Wonder what his end game is lol. We're both just in our 30s and fairly private people, taking things slowly. I think my divorced cousin introducing her new guy to the whole family within a month (divorced like 3-4 months previously) is far more weird than not meeting someone's boyfriend of 8 mo.

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