Fluoride toothpaste

Eat food made from scratch, no processed oils, eliminate refined sugar, and you'll be on the right track.

Good advice

Cavities are caused by the dentist, picking holes in your enamel.

Ughhhhhhh no they fucking aren't. Cavities are caused by a combination of ingestion of acidic foods and the secretions of bacterial plaques on your teeth. The dentist isn't fucking poking holes in your teeth.

Does it work?

It literally does. Fluoride replaces an -OH ion on your normal hydroxylapatite forming fluorapatite, which dissolves at a lower PH and is therefore more acid resistant. You might not need it if you take good care of your teeth otherwise, but it does work for ours stated purpose no matter how much conspiracy theorists want to believe against it.

I'm just going to leave this thread, anti-science conspiracists are infuriating and it doesn't seem like fact based assertions are welcome when it comes to fluoride. Hope the dentist doesn't select any of you guys for execution with 2% higher fluoride toothpaste or whatever y'all want to believe is happening!

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