Foodie Fridays

I've been cutting, get super hungry at night. Honestly, the first couple weeks were hard and then I just got used to it. Now I just power through. Sometimes I eat like 3 peanuts just to do something for the salt / fat craving, but I could see how that would be dangerous for some, haha. Interestingly I don't get sugar cravings anymore due to eating better, so that's a plus. But eating dinner closer to bedtime can help. Drink a glass of water. Eat filling foods. Don't keep anything around that might tempt you to binge, if it's not in the house you can't eat it.

I prefer a cheat day, not cheat meal. I have my cheat day on Sunday. Basically eat whatever you want but don't go over maintenance calories, i.e., net-neutral calories for the day, no gain / loss. Treat yourself but still be reasonable, don't like go crazy and eat a dozen donuts. I usually just keep everything the same except eat a pizza for dinner and have some desert or something.

Here's a thread from a couple days ago with more tips:

/r/bodybuilding Thread Parent