Foolish Friday - Your biweekly stupid questions thread

I am currently 190-194lbs 26yo 10.3-10.7%BF

My Goal is to get down to 7-8% BF

I have adjusted my work out routine and macros/TDEE every 21 days slightly to improve my program, everything seems to be going well as I have cut about 3%BF and put up some nice gains, size, and increased definition. Obviously still not satisfied though!.

This is in May 2015 - This is in October 2015 -

That's the most recent I've taken, now more defined and a little larger all around.

I Hit the gym between 5-6 times a week, I also cycle 10-20miles 2-3 times a week. Im am currently doing a 6day split 1 body part a day lifting program, reps 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 with some SS mixed in.

1.Would I see faster cutting results on a different program? 2. If I switched to a 5x5 would I see more mass gains while cutting like more muscle thickness in the arms and upper back?

Can anyone help in evaluating my macros which I am hoping to get some advice on making some adjustments. Note: I eat the same thing every day

  1.  Does the time I eat certain types of food matter for example my dinner – will eating 80/20 ground meat an avocado spinach and a 1 scoop protein shake have a negative impact on my fat loss?
  2.  Currently at 3 scoops of protein per day would I see better results from eating more food and maybe cutting out protein powder all together or would it be more beneficial to switch to 2 scoops of whey in the AM and 1 scoop of casein at night?
  3.  I would like to remove the fiber bars from my diet and replace them. According to the other threads I have researched and google maybe chia seeds, psyllium fibre, or a fiber sup while adding a banana to my breakfast. Would any of these be better or worse, I’d like to keep my carbs low.
  4.  I’m currently eating a breakfast sausage in the morning but I’m considering moving to a protein shake that includes 2 scoops of powder, 2-3 eggs, a banana, and 2 tbsp. of peanut butter. Better plan?
  5.  I want to track and optimize my sodium and potassium intake what are good ratios? From the other threads I have read +4700mg of potassium to -2300mg or sodium.
  6.  Creatine for cutting ok or no? I’ve read mixed reviews about how it should only be used 5g a day for non-cutting.
/r/Fitness Thread