For those who think that suicide is the only option

I dont trust this post. The 70 year old oil magnates actually want us to live. It is why they make it so hard to euthanize. It is why they want abortion illegal. It is why they keep pushing to keep contraception hard to get.

It seems to be all about cheap labor. The China method.

The wealthy want us all to live, because dead we are of no value to them.

Suicide is a fine option. I just wish there were places like at the end of "Soylent Green" where one could go and do it peacefully. and in exchange I have no problem with them doing what ever they want with my body afterwards, make me in to food/crackers/soylent green if they want.

But those place do not exist. They make it very hard to euthanize ones self. Most methods are way less that 100% which means it could go wrong and then one is more fucked than ever, living with a blown off face., brain damage or worse.

The state is fucked on this concept. They think THEY are the only ones who can decide if someone should die!!! It is fucked!! They kill people sentenced to death, they decide that is OK.... but a person is not allowed to say "I am done, I am broke, no one cares, I am out of options, I am not going to be homeless, I will not resort to crime, I will not work a shitbag job earning just enough to survive.

"They" have methodically destroyed the middle class. It was a plan and it was carried out and that is the world we exist in today. They fucked it on purpose. They did it slow so young people would know how good it used to be.

Suicide is a fine option to consider. It is my business and it should be my choice when I am sick and tired and broke and do not want to be here anymore. It is NOT short term problem. It has been like this for 10+ years now and I am sick of it.

I will play this out, I will stick around, but when my funds dry up that is that. Of course if some miracle happens, if a good opportunity presents it self I will keep on keeping on... as I have been, doing my part to make it a better world.... but on balance it is a worse world... but if/when things dry up... I refuse to be a bum on the street, live in a car or under a bridge. Fuck that.

TL/DR Bullshit, the 1% rule makers/bilderbergrsers, the clinton/trumps of the world want us to live... so we can serve them... so they can be king/queen and we can be serfs.... so we can help them play their fucking game of who is richest on the planet. Fuck all of that. I am sick of it.

The game is rigged and I am long past tired of playing it.

/r/conspiracy Thread