For those women in a dead end relationship because you don't think good guys exist...

It's seems so hard for girls to find the right guy. In my perspective it seems like girls are after looks. To defend my argument, I had a beautiful girlfriend once. Not only was she pretty but she was funny, smart, and talented. At the time of our relationship I didn't have a car nor a license. (Do now though) She lived a fair distance away from me but love has no bounds right? So I did everything in my power to be with her. And she would always tell me how she felt alone so I would facetime with her. When we went on dates I'd buy her dinner then we'd walk to the mall where I'd buy her bath and body Works. (And some cologne for me) Anyway all seemed great until towards the end of the semester when all of a sudden she stops responding to my texts. I grew weary and DMd her sister wondering how she was. Turns out she was fine and just choosing not to answer but eventually she did. I called her on the phone and she said "Anon, I don't think this is working out I'm getting a new phone number so please don't try to message me." Talk about a suckerpunch in the feels. I should add that while she was employed by her parents and only working one weekend p/m and I was working 20-30 hours per week to get a car.

Anyway this destroyed me and happened months ago and I still can't figure out what happened. I literally put down the controller just to talk to her. They say you never forget the ones you love, and that's more true than I ever imagined.

Just in case anyone was wondering, I'm 18 and so is she.

And my main point I guess is that 1: I 100% do not see myself as attractive, but I make jokes about it to lighten that feel. I have bad acne and I'm sure other imperfections. Kind of like comedian Gabriel Iglesias 2: my personality is my main suit. I could stomach the thought of cheating and can't fathom how others commit such horrific acts. I have always had respect for women and did my job to treat her with respect and dignity.

I feel like looks played a part in our separation but I'm sure there's other factors.

It feels good writing this down though?

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread