US formally withdraws from 1987 nuclear pact with Russia

Just checked your post history from boredom. Let me get this straight.

You’re a Brit living in South Africa? And you’re telling ME how MY country lives and acts? This country that allows freedom of religion freedom of speech. Freedom to self preservation. And just about every right your country doesn’t have guaranteed?

The one that allowed the mass murder of white farmers who were natives and blamed it on living in rural areas?

Okay. Let’s play you’re game. Africa. The whole of it. Sucks. It’s shit. The only thing good from Africa are diamonds and wildlife. Protect yourselves against a country invading? Protect yourselves from your own citizens first then we’ll talk.

How about you don’t talk shit about a country you don’t know? I can talk shit about the Middle East because I’ve read the religious texts and seen the shit that happens there. I’ve had friends and family go there come back and say it’s chaos. That you have to absolutely walk on eggshells and god literally forbid you get caught singing dancing holding a woman’s hand etc or the vice and virtue police will fuck you up.

Eat a chode guy.

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