Former Labour MP calls for SNP vote across Scotland

You're confusing me for an SNP supporter. I don't favour independence because it would put the SNP in power (assuming it would, or indeed that the SNP would even survive in an independent Scotland). You're right that they have fairly right wing policies. They're still left of Labour, but at this point who isn't?

Indeed, I don't even support independence over this momentary policy or that. Legislation is fleeting and can change at any time. Miliband freezing energy prices would be nice, but it isn't going to change anything in the long term.

I favour independence because it would open opportunities for the left. At a stroke it would abolish FPTP, the Lords, and create a written constitution. Maybe we can even work to reverse some of the anti-union laws that the Tories and Labour have supported over the last 30 years. It would be a massive structural change and suddenly from being stuck electing two increasingly neo-liberal parties we would have much better foundation for building a left-wing movement.

The problem here is that you seem to be equating the labour movement and revolution with the Labour Party. If the UK was in a revolutionary situation then the national question would be much less important. But we're not. Instead we get 'just vote for us and we can stop the Tories from getting in for 4 whole years!' Big fucking deal. That kind of thinking just traps you into a neverending two party electoral game where nobody wins except rich and powerful.

The labour movement and the socialist movement are being attacked and strangled by Westminster, and breaking through their shit is a huge step forward. The addition of a national border (which in many ways already effectively exists anyway) won't stop socialists from working together.

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