I found a bug with opening cases.

So recently I've started playing CS:GO because other games just seem to bore me. After about 40 hours, I figured I was getting alright, and I watched some streamers and YouTubers. I noticed you could uncrate things in CS:GO like you can in TF2 (1.7k hours in TF2 and about $50 spent on uncrating crap).

I watch some videos, most of Anomaly, and decide after a few days to sell some stuff on the market so I can buy a Huntsman key. Boot up CS:GO, go to unlock my crate when something very odd happens.

Since I used to be an avid WoW player, I obviously have an array of macros on my mouse that all do different keypresses and so on and certain times. As the crate was spinning through the items, I accidentally activated a macro on my mouse (finger slipped from potential excitement I guess), and well.

When it landed on the item, it didn't give me it. I pressed MOUSE7 again, and to my surprise the crate selector started spinning again. It landed on another item which was fairly cheap, so I pressed MOUSE7 yet again, and it spun yet again. I wasn't sure if I was allowed a certain amount of spins or not, so I just kept mashing MOUSE7 until it landed on some fancy shmancy special item, a knife. I let go of the mouse in the worry it would re-spin, I tried pressing some buttons to exit out of the menu and stop it from going again. When I pressed Enter, it took me to the inspect screen, and the knife was in my inventory. Yay!

Confuddled, I watched more YouTube videos, and this respinning of the crate's cycle didn't happen in a single one, so I assumed I stumbled upon a potentially wealthy bug. I sold some more items, bought a few more keys for whichever cases I could get my hands on from friends.

Well, with a key, a crate and about 5 minutes of pressing MOUSE7 to activate the macro, I found I get could any item I want. I mostly settled for knives, got an AWP Asiimov which I recognized as being quite good, and it looked pretty sick.

A few keys later, I ran out of Steam funds. I didn't put any of the items up on the market because I'm scared I may be banned from profiting off of an exploit (this happens in TF2). My friends started asking how I got so rich, so I've privated my inventory and just told them it was betting or whatever.

I only equipped the items and used them for a few minutes, and I haven't sold a single one so it doesn't look like I'm exploiting for profit. Surprisingly, the macro in my files that I used was fairly complicated, and I think it worked due to some delays I used for spell cooldown in WoW.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully this can get patched pretty soon.

/r/GlobalOffensive Thread Link - i.imgur.com