Free Talk Friday

Albuquerque is a place to visit if you want to just get a random get away. We don't have anything like amusement parks or things like that but what you're really going to experience is the Scenery, food and if you're in Santa Fe the Art. There's a lot of Culture here and a bunch of historic sites but it would probably be difficult to get a good experience there if you didn't rent a car or drive as our public transportation would be the last thing i'd recommend you do.

You can take the Tram up the Sandias or drive up the mountain the back way and get some gorgeous views at the top. Or take the turquoise trail road up to Santa Fe which also has great view and Santa Fe is a great place to spend a day.

I would recommend it because it's a unique place but it's a place you'd want to visit with someone and probably have someone show you around.

If he's going alone I wouldn't really recommend it.

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