A friend who stopped hanging out with me once she lost interest in working out together just shared this public post, and I don't know how to feel about it.

Holy shit. These people are such "victims!" You know what? I'm fat. I'm fat because I developed binge eating disorder due to ptsd after being gang raped. My weight goes up and down because I try my hardest to keep fit and eat healthily, but I'm not fully recovered yet and I do go through bad patches still. But you know what else? I still don't see myself as victim like these people do. People treat me like a human being, no one gives me sour looks when I'm at the gym or eating out in public. I have a husband and friends who just see me as me. Really, being fat has no negative impact on the way I interact with others and the world around me, the only negatives I experience are in my own feelings of reduced health and comfort (which is why I'm working so hard at overcoming this shit). If a fat person sees every look, chair, step, piece of food, item of clothing, magazine, tv show, billboard or whatever the hell else as a personal attack on their worth as a human being then the problem is in their own mind and they really need to see a psychologist.

/r/fatlogic Thread Link - imgur.com