Frugal People of Singapore, how is your lifestyle like and what are your expenses each month?

Wa good question. Prompted some of my own reflections:

I used to save about 70% of my take home salary, but I decided to push it a bit more and go for 80% this month because I want to save for a holiday. If holiday cmi because of COVID, then it's going to become money for a new gaming PC.

So far it looks like it's working out, the numbers arent lying.

Expenditures - transport, household groceries, lunch (mostly caipng, occasional shiok shiok ramen or weekend macs etc), hobbjes (Magic: the Gathering) on an adhoc basis.

Of course this is on the basis that:

1) I'm a lazy motherfucker with 0 risk appetite so EVERYTHING into savings, 0 fucks given about insurance/investment
2) I havent really moved beyond my student days, so this kind of student-days expenditure is still normal to me. I haven't developed crippling addictions to Grab, for instance, and am happy with Bus MRT Walk
3) i dont have additional costs to blindside me - no gym membership lah, rollover credit card debt lah, I dont chiong siamdiu, etc. 4) I maybe have 100-200 dollars in fuck-off money (i.e. to literally to tell my rational side to fuck off and treat myself) at the end of every month. Sometimes this becomes treat girlfriend money. Most of the time it rolls over though, and becomes additional spending buffer against big purchases on that month

I dunno if thats what what you want, but is possible.

/r/singapore Thread