Games I thought I'd like ... then didn't.

I thought I'd like but didn't:

boldTechnolustbold - Lifeless NPC's. Linear structure. Object scale is often off. Movement makes me nauseous. Most fun I had was playing space invaders which says it all. Big let down for me.
boldApollo 11bold - A crowd favourite but I honestly preferred the demo. The full release feels overly drawn out and I quickly became tired with the constant stirring soundtrack which it relies on far too much. Look past the soundtrack and I found it quite a clunky experience. Textures are too often low resolution. The flyover earth gave the impression it was 20ft away and I could bounce a tennis ball off it. The astronaut co-pilots are creepy and expressionless. Interactive elements are let down by confusing instructions and lack of player feedback.
boldEsper 2bold - Good presentation and concept but gameplay quickly felt repetitive and unrewarding. Moving stuff with my face isn't actually that fun.
boldLucky's Talebold - Initial impressions are amazing. Polished and fun to control. I'm just gutted that the difficulty never ramps up and how linear the worlds are. Even the underwater level doesn't change any of the game mechanics. Quickly ran through it in 3 play sessions barely losing a life and there's nothing really there to bring me back for repeat plays. A shame... could of been great.

I thought I'd like and did:

boldChronosbold - Just completed. Took me about 12-15hrs on normal difficulty. Really fantastic. Great world design. Satisfying combat with puzzles that are italicsjustitalics challenging enough. Has been given criticism for not being 'real VR' but the sense of scale really added to the experience for me. It teases in places with some first person puzzle solving. I wish it did more of that. I really enjoyed jumping into first person to explore books and clues. Normally I'd often skip reading the additional text but the physicality of the books made it so much more compelling. I hope to see more third person locomotion mixed with first person room-scale/standing experiences. Resident Evil VR please!
boldElite Dangerousbold - Bored me to death on a monitor but there's something oddly relaxing about sticking on a playlist and going on a galactic road trip. Gives me moments of great presence. Love trying out new ships. Still not tired of cruising into a space station. Driving the SUV buggy is barf-city for me though - only for the truly sim-sick immune.
boldProject Carsbold - I love cars. I've put in over 100hrs in this game. Can't go back to it on a monitor. VR has improved my pack racing tremendously. Finally feel a sense of speed often lacking in race sims. Now with the optimisation and ATW makes online racing a much more consistent experience. Advise to buy on Steam so there is people in lobbies to race against.
boldAdr1ftbold - Thought this was going to make me sick but on the most part I've been quite comfortable. Some very pretty graphics. Slow movement. Great atmosphere. Wish the HUD radar was more useful.
boldPinball FX2bold - This surprised me. Would never normally buy a pinball game but thought I'd give it a go and it's the game I jump for if I'm looking for a quick fix. Being able to track the ball naturally, it just feels 'right'. And the environment augments the table you're playing on which adds a bit of fun.

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