Gary Johnson Beats Hillary With Independents, Reaches 12% Nationally

I've resisted the urge to hitch to the "next closest" wagon. This isn't because I have anything for or against GJ, I just don't know enough. I think my fellow Berners are quick to see socially liberal agendas and things that would seem to insinuate GJ is a safe bet. However I know several right wingers who claim to be libertarians. For fucks sake, Glenn Beck is a libertarian. Of course none of that means anything in the grand scheme of things. I like what I've heard about GJ but I've heard very little until these past few days.

My opinion is neither yay or nay of him. I'd just caution Berners from jumping ship so easily. Bernie was never talking about an election, he was talking about a revolution. That doesn't stop at the end of the primaries. Bernie may (probably will) lose this nomination process, but whether or not he succeeds in HIS overall goals is entirely up to us.

There is one thing you can count on from the American people: we have a short attention span. Remember Kony 2012? How quickly did you forget your outrage? Sure the guy behind it turned out to be nuts, but that's beside the point.

What the DNC, Debbie Shultz, the GOP and Wall St are counting on is that Bernie isn't the nominee and we all go back to sleep. Quickly turning from Bernie to Johnson is doing exactly what they want and expect us to do. The moneyed interests of this country don't care who you support, as long as whoever that is doesn't affect them, save for in a positive manner. Don't tuck your tail and run to another candidate just because Bernie most likely be on the ticket in November. This man has dedicated the last 74 years to this fight. I think we can all spare a few more months, at the least.

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