General Chat July 11 PM

A Cycle 1-er checking in, and mostly thinking about the concept of "hurry up and wait." I've been lurking here for months and that's the biggest theme I've noticed in TTC-land - this idea of waiting for whatever comes next, ovulating, the TWW, getting or not getting a period. For me it's the last one, I came off the pill ten days ago after more than 13 years but even before then I was incredibly irregular so I have absolutely NO idea how long it'll take to get my period again (I didn't have it on the pill). I have a whole list of tests and tasks from my RE but I can't do anything until I get a period, and I warned them at the time that could be a long wait; now I'm starting to wonder where I draw the line and call the nurses' office and ask their advice. One month, two, three? I know I'm fortunate that I already have an in with an RE and I'm doing less waiting than a lot of people, but I've been ready for about six years waiting for my husband to be ready, and he's only home every other month so I don't know how much time I can afford to waste now that I've hit my 30s and my reproductive system has never been normal. Just another sleepless night for me, wondering if our second bedroom will ever change from a home office to a nursery.

/r/TryingForABaby Thread