Gentlemen, what is your ideal lady like?

An equal. Yet submissive. Personally I would want my partner to be successful in a career. Doesn't matter the career path. But financial stability leads to less stress. It also leads to more comfort at home. Success means drive and motivation. Also good things to look for. Healthy and active. Gym partner. Cooks healthy food. That kind of stuff. If my physical abilities and appearance is highly important in my life (as shallow as that sounds) I would expect the same from my partner. She would be supportive. Both with career choices and personal choices. Maybe ask for being supportive on personal hobbies. Things that I only find enjoyment in. But are not a hassle for her to accept them. Also the ability to dress up and go out. Or spend an entire week on the couch watching movies. Listening to the same music helps also. In the house (domestic responsibilities as stated in the post) dont have to be like stereotypical housewife. However a good meal and a clean house are always something welcomed to come home too. In the bedroom they should work off of their partner. The pleasure of the other person should be the priority. That might be exploring something together. Being open minded. That is a huge one. Being open minded that their partner might like something, and be willing to at least put full effort into it one time. I personally like more submissive women. This isn't like tie me up to the bed every day daddy. But appreciating the power change between the two partners. Letting one take the lead.

/r/relationship_advice Thread