Georgia SOS Refuses to Resign After Calls From Senators, Tells Them to Focus on Their Runoff Elections Instead

Registering to vote in GA is relatively simple and can be done online if you have a driver's license. I was able to do it in time for mid-term elections in the heart of Fulton county. COVID has made it more challenging this year, as it has for most things. You cannot go by anecdotes (with in support of or opposition to your conclusion) to determine if they relate to voter suppression. It is perfectly plausible to have a slow DMV and voter suppression at the same time without causation. I live here and have registered and changed registration multiple times online without issue - with the major point being I used a driver's license to do it. When I change my driver's license online, they asked if I wanted to change registration status at the same time. My story is relevant to your baseless claim that the DMV is conspiring against voters. If you want to discuss voter suppression in GA, you need to focus on purging the voter roles or how residents without driver's licenses can secure their registration. That's the meat of GA's voter suppression as is the security of the machines we vote on. There has been plenty written and analyzed on this following the 2018 election.

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