GF Does not pay for anything.. (F20) (M22)

The idea that the man should pay for dates comes from a time where men worked more/earned more than women, and that just isn’t the case anymore. It’s outdated and unfair. If she can afford new clothes and lunches with her friends then she can afford to go dutch at least most of the time. That isn’t to say that you guys should split the bill every time you go out, but she should be treating you as much as you treat her. It’s not right to put that burden solely on you, especially considering that you are both financially unstable.

Be honest with her about this. If she’s worth it then she’ll respect you enough to start paying her share. If not, then stop going out for dinner. Go on free dates, or better yet, reconsider your relationship. Don’t let yourself get taken advantage of.

/r/relationship_advice Thread