A girl posted pictures of her and my ex [21M] being overly friendly when we were still together. Do I [20F] bring it up?

Thank you for your advice!!

I have three serious exes, and I have worked hard to overcome feelings for each one to get to a place of friendship. With my first two, I have a genuinely casual friendship with them -- I wingman them, I commiserate with them when things don't work out, I celebrate when they do. But to get to that point with both of them, I had to push through moments like these where I had feelings and they didn't and I have found the value of their friendship to be fully worth the pain of such moments... but I never really had reason to believe either of them cheated on me, or lied to me about the reason we broke up (one of them did dump me for someone else, and told me such honestly).

I state in the post that I do still have feelings, but distancing after the virus would be tough -- we attend the same college, have many friends in common, and during the quarantine he's been the one person I facetime nearly every day. It's been nearly six months, and we've both dated others in the interim, so it's not a question of "rawness".

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