Pedophilia is finding it's way into the LGBTQ+ Community (serious PSA)

People who are attracted to children need mental help. But I wouldn't say it's not a sexuality.

"Pedophilia is not a sexuality. It is a extreme and incurable mental disorder, which is actively harmful to children, and society in general."

This statement could have been used against anyone who's sexuality doesn't align with society. Gays, lesbians, trans.

Do you remember how homosexuality was treated at a mental disorder? And how people were trying to treat it. And that was even between consenting people, not hurting anyone.

Now there's people who don't want to be attracted to children or animals but sadly are, it's their sexuality. But people don't even want to give them resources to get help.

LGBTQ is about non traditional and safe, consenting sexuality.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent