GMC involvement with medical practitioners tribunal

Having read through his MPTS tribunal minutes for Mr Bramhall, I think on balance the punishment they gave seems completely fair in proportion to the degree of damage and with a mind to the evidence (blemishless record, appropriate degree of reflection, actual very little real life damage even if it was a disgusting thing to do). I mean that’s the job of the tribunal To weigh up evidence.

The GMC are racist scumbags. It’s no secret they have a vendetta against doctors. They use “professionalism” and “public confidence” almost like a dictator as though it justifies every single they do. Just look at their statements on Bawa-Garba. That’s literally the only rationale they can come up with when their actions caused such a colossal outcry and realised they were in the wrong. Essentially it’s to appease the rabid tabloids who will run scare stories about doctors. This is what happens when you put a bunch of lawyers and bureaucrats and people who’ve never set foot on a medical ward in their life in charge.

My god, can you imagine if doctors could just treat patients as they saw fit instead of having to constantly have one eye on the GMC and request constant unnecessary investigations/referrals/documentation. Who holds the GMC to account when a doctor commits suicide because of a frivolous accusation (has happened)? Who holds the GMC to account when they go after minorities for the crime of being black or brown?

If anyone wants to organise a protest outside the GMC offices in London I would be all up for it. Their over-reach is terrifying and they are destroying healthcare in the UK by creating a culture of fear and defensive medicine because ultimately the GMC is not interested in facts, but making sure red-top rags can’t print bollocks about doctors - which of course they’re always going to do anyway.

Fuck the racist GMC.

/r/JuniorDoctorsUK Thread