Good to see persistence being used to leave helpful notes!


I really don't know what to say. Every time I run into a cunt like yourself on this god awful site, I think I can actually make a point of defending something.

Some part of me wants to know if your serious. That is, do you really take offense to some shit a stranger says on the Internet? Do you really get off to "winning" more karma points when you successfully shit-talk someone? This all feels like something a child would do, and if you are a child then I suppose I'd understand. Somehow, I feel like you're one of the many adults I might run across in actual, physical places. If that's the case, and you are seriously this entertained by how many points you're getting, it would explain a lot about why people are such fucking twats to one another.

Here, I'll take the time to explain this to you, for no other reason than I'm already waxing philosophical in a fucking DayZ thread:

Yes, I see OP's topic. The "helpful" note he was referring to is, in fact, not helpful at all. It reads "here is a helpful advice: go fuck yourself." You'll notice the distinct lack of punctuation, attention to grammar, and actual helpful advice. Playing off of that, I replied with a comment which is also lacking in grammar and helpful advice.

Do you see what I did there now, sport?

Whether or not you "get it" is no concern of mine. It's not my problem you're some twisted fucking weirdo on the Internet. By some stroke of luck, I'm morbidly interested in what makes people like you ("fucking weirdos") behave the way you do. It's not my problem that you're this strange, but I'm fascinated by it, and I play into it. It's not entertaining, it's not fun, but it is certainly educational. Your lack of understanding means fuck-all when compared to how telling it is that no one is quite this confrontational and belligerent in everyday conversation, but only when they've got the protection of anonymity.

Honestly, I hope you're not this stupid in your day-to-day interactions. I believe that if you were, someone would have already bashed your head in, so I'm going to assume you're just a jack ass because a computer monitor and Internet connection separate us. And thank GOD for that.

Have fun with your points. I'll enjoy my cascade of downvotes.

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