Google fires employee who blamed lack of gender diversity on 'biological causes'

The point I took from what he said is that we should not be surprised that equal opportunity results in more male computer scientists and more female health care workers - an "unequal" result.

I completely agree, but I'm not sure that anyone disagrees with that. There are more men than women in computer science. That's a hard fact.

There are other explanations for this inequality than genetic predisposition towards certain traits. That may very well be part of it, but he doesn't make a convincing argument to that effect.

He can convincingly argue that data suggests that women (in general) trend towards certain personality traits and men (in general) trend towards others, but he does not convincingly argue that the data suggests a biological root for these traits. Most importantly, he doesn't prove that a specific mix of traits makes for better engineers rather than different engineers. He just assumes this.

Google feels that a team with diverse skillsets, perspectives, and personalities is stronger than a more homogeneous team, so they fundamentally disagree on the core of his argument. It's not really a downside that men and women approach problems differently or have different personalities if that's exactly what Google is looking for.

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