The GOP Tried Trump-Style Tax Cuts in Kansas. What a Mess.

I think we should focus on deficit and job training before tax cuts, but tax cuts that give the poor more money do more for the economy.

Poor people often aren't the best at saving and tend to spend the money quickly which results in it passing upwards to the rich and being taxed multiple times in the process. (Ie Poor person gets tax refund uses to fix beat up car, mechanic getting good business remodels bathroom, handyman flips a house, ect) Vs trickle down where business gets a surplus and uses it hopefully to expand, will most likely use it for dividends/stock buybacks. If the outlook is good business already use loans to facilitate growth, but expanding just b/c you have the capital to do so isn't a good business decesion in every scenerio.

If you are set on giving a break to businesses offer grants/breaks at the federal level for businesses moving into economically depressed areas(coal country) or job training and relocation assistance for people in those areas. Make internet a utility and train people in WV to travel and lay fiber.

My spelling sucks and I'm tired and on mobile so I apologize for any errors.

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