Graffiti in Bristol, England

Islam isn't inherently dangerous; angry people from places the West has fucked over repeatedly in the last 150 years are dangerous. If we stop invading Islamic nations for long enough, Islam will probably chill out plenty. How many countries the west hasn't in at least 100 years invaded, deposed, sent weapons, or threatened are producing many Jihadists? How many places that have never faced a US-funded rebellion or sovereign opponent are producing many Jihadists?

And regardless, if we surveyed non-Muslim Americans what proportion would believe a wife should obey her husband? What proportion would believe suicide bombings can "sometimes" be justified? What proportion would believe the majority of the principles in "Sharia law" (according to whatever source you chose to define "sharia") should be US law?

Generalizing 1.6 billion people takes a lot more than one or two sets of surveys. Generalizing an entire millennia old religion with millions and millions of backwards idiots as "a serious threat" to us because less than 0.1% of its practitioners attempt violence on Westerners and/or actively build a regressive theocracy by force sounds pretty dumb.

"Sharia" for example will mean different things to different people, just like "Christian principles" means radically different things to different people if you survey Americans on whether we should run the US according to "Christian principles". A vanishingly small proportion of Americans actually want every word of the Bible strictly followed in American law, and I see no reason to suppose conversely that practically all Muslims who support "sharia" want every word of the Koran or every rule the ayatollah Khomeini ever suggested to be the rule of law.

I can stipulate that a huge proportion of Muslims have several ass-backwards, misogynist, racist, savage beliefs...but how are any serious people still basically trying to conflate all Muslims with Jihadists and Wahhabis?

Dumb and/or violent Muslims are almost all just cultures barely out of the Iron Age or people the West screwed up in recent history. Islam is not inherently more dangerous than any other Abrahamic faith, or for that matter necessarily more dangerous than atheism, socialism, fascism, or any other -ism

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