Grandmother's bid to highlight cost of cigarettes compared with food goes viral: ‘Judy Lawson, from Tasmania, Australia, decided to test out how much food she could buy in a grocery shop for the same price as a packet of a cigarettes.‘

As someone that's smoked for 20+ years, and still does, price is fuck all.

It does fuck, all.

All it is, is something that they can continuously jack the price of, because 'fuck smokers' and shouldn't smoke etc.

I'm sorry, I am beyond fuckin' addicted, and I smoke. The price keeps goin up, it's just what you pay now.

Raising the prices does fuck all but give a lotta tax money that no one says shit about because 'fuck smokers'.

I got signs up downtown, where I can be fined 100k+ for smoking.

I could go on a murder spree and it'd probably cost less, because fuck smokers.

I agree, as a smoker, fuck smokers, but that's the why, and nothing else.

Raising prices is not a cessation tool.

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