Groom of 12yo 'child bride' in NSW jailed for at least seven and a half years

I agree with what you say - though I'd be surprised if we ever heard too much from her perspective; she is a minor and in now in care. I hope they are helping her transition to a new understanding of appropriate relations.

What I read, however, suggested that (despite her inability to give any kind of informed or legal consent) she was keen on the marriage. I agree that it would have certainly been pushed by the parents, but additionally a police officers involved in the case referenced that the fact that she was pleased with the marriage in no way mitigated its illegality. The lawyer for the convicted sex criminal tried to use her maturity, physical development, intelligence, and active pleasure in the 'marriage' as a defense. The magistrate (of course) rejected this line, but they tried it on. The guy is a sex offender, the parents are poor excuses for humans, and the girl is a victim. Again I'll mention that the imams that were approached and didn't contact the police are - in my view - responsible. They had foreknowledge of a criminal act of sexual abuse, and did nothing outside of telling the perpetrator-to-be that it was illegal and they'd take no part in it. Big f'ing deal - you know a kid is going to be hurt, you tell someone. Grotesque.

However ... The authorities are obviously and rightly trying to keep her details out of it as much as possible, but where I started from in commenting on this thread was that information (albeit tangentially stated). That the child - although originally anti because he was "too old" - was emotionally seduced by him and decided she wanted to marry him. Yes with all sorts of inappropriate influence (questioning where aside from the patents that influence came from is a big part of what I'm wondering) - but for whatever background reasons, she herself apparently (from the comments made by officers and lawyers, in news articles I've read) thought that getting married was bonza. How could a modern Australian girl could come to this opinion? What influences were in her life? Was she home schooled, sequestered, what?

I don't want anyone to think that I'm either excusing the 'husband' or parents, nor that I'm blaming her at all (I get the feeling that I've not been sufficiently clear, that I may have been misunderstood - not by you specifically just in general). I also don't want to appear that I'm blaming Islam. I find this entire affair unconscionable and I'm so sad that it happened, and presumably will happen to other girls. My interest was sparked by the user that mentioned the father being a 5th gen Aussie - ie, well and truly Aussie - and how horrific it was that someone that should be so deeply entrenched in Australian culture could do this. I in turn considered how it could be that a 12yo girl raised in contemporary Australia could think that getting married and living with a man could be at all reasonable.

And so I shall wish you an incongruous Happy Mardi Gras :)

/r/australia Thread Link -