A Group of Samurai in front of Egypt's Sphinx, 1864

The Sphinx of Giza is over 4500 years old. Hundreds of generations have been in and out of this world while that same monument was standing. That monument existed when George Washington was elected for first president of the United States. That monument was here before Newton had the idea of gravity. That monument was here before Christ. And even during all these events, it was still ancient.

It has looked mostly the same throughout this time. Looking back at photos from the 1900s and seeing the wear it went through in the past hundred years is nothing compared to what it's been through in the past fourty five hundred years.

Workers who built it will never be remembered. We'll never know their names. We'll never know what their kids thought of their work. We'll never know what the workers were like. Did they argue over certain features of the monument? What kinds of people saw it when it was new? Did anyone else in the world hear about it when it was finished being built? Did people travel around the world to see it?

It's just crazy to think about the endless possibilities in the past that's we'll never know.


"Hear me, Guardian of the Gate. I demand a favor."

I grant one boon and it will be given to you as it is given to everyone - when the time comes.



copy cat pasta

There has never been a satisfactory answer to what the Sphinx actually is or was. Anyone who goes to Giza can see for himself or herself that there is something ‘wrong’ with the Sphinx. It only takes an instant. The body is gigantic and the head is just a pimple. The Egyptians never did anything like that, they were always meticulous about proportions in their art. So how is it that we have this monster with a tiny head sitting there in the sand, then?

The Sphinx is crouching there at the entrance to the Necropolis like a guardian. Well, there it is! It is a guard dog! The ancient Egyptians had a god called Anubis, who was a crouching wild dog, generally referred to as a jackal (although strictly speaking there were no jackals in Egypt, and Anubis was really a wild dog species which is now extinct). Anubis was the guardian of the Necropolis, the guardian of the dead, and he was often depicted in the precise position of the Sphinx – and famously in a statue found in the Tomb of Tutankhamun as well – so that his image is familiar to almost anyone who has ever had an interest in ancient Egypt.

There are several other things wrong with the Sphinx. They are:

The back is flat. Who ever saw a lion with a flat back, no big chest, and no mane?

The Sphinx is sitting in a deep hole in the ground. Why is that? Why is it not sitting somewhere high up so that it can show off like a lion would? Think hollywood movie stars.

There is a ruined temple right in front of the Sphinx, with a wall practically up against its nose, and no door in that wall. Why obstruct the view of the Sphinx from the front like that? And if the temple was for worshipping the Sphinx, why is there no access from the temple to the Sphinx, so that you can’t even get to it?

The pit in which the Sphinx sits seems to be deeply eroded, as if by flows of water. What caused all that? It looks as if water has poured down the sides. On the other hand, there are no such vertical erosion patterns on the Sphinx itself, which instead has clear horizontal erosion patterns. How can these two different patterns at right angles to each other be reconciled? And what could possibly have caused either of them?

/r/OldSchoolCool Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com