Guccifer 2.0 Releases a New Dump of DNC and Hillary Clinton Financial Documents and Donor Information

Half of your links are bullshit, half are irrelevant (like the hand-wringing about 'dismantling Obamacare'). CBA to discuss that noise.

Calling people babies is how you lose to Trump, by the way.

Nah. Babies on their first election, full of socialist fire and eating up Korean, Venezuelan and alt-right propaganda were never in the play in the first place, and Hillary is doing fantastic without them. Half of them will forget to vote in November, and much of the rest were never progressives in the first place, judging by their new support for Trump.

You guys were genuinely, and I mean it with all the sincerity in my heart, were dumb as fucking rocks this Primary. You continously fucked up and misunderstood rules (such as your delegates just not turning up in Nevada and thinking that a voice vote is about who yells the loudest), ate up recycled right-wing lies about Clinton, feasted on alt-right propaganda from sources like fucking Breitbart and embarrassed yourselves with your cheers for the Sanders vs Trump debate on fucking FOX

. During all this you were so superior, so smug, so accusing, hostile and unpleasant, that you forever associated your candidate with one of the biggest bunch of self-righteous assholes on the internet.

And you know what really, truly proves that Sanders supporters, or at least the ones here on S4P are simply, undeniably stupid? That you ate up that shit about Sanders polling 20 points above Trump. That you believed that Independents and Republicans would vote for AN ACTUAL SOCIALIST. I would have voted for Sanders if he wasn't completely incompetent and won the Primary, but I would be under no doubt that he would get beaten worse than any presidential candidate in the last 50 years.

Idiots. A bunch of childish, misinformed, gullible idiots. I'm just glad your sanctimonious prick of a Messiah has lost and that you have to live with the sting of defeat.

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