Gunfire Reported as Hundreds of Trump Supporters Descend on Portland

From Tulsa, taught it in school in the early 2000s, no whitewashing. Remember the commission being reported in 1997, Wayman Tisdale at the Greenwood Festival and the dedication of the memorial at John Hope Franklin park. The "mass grave no one talks about" has been talked and written about for decades. While the first 50 years was a policy of concealment and avoidance of atonement, it hasn't been the case for some time now. Acting like it is still deliberately glanced over feeds the notion that Tulsans continue to be racist and conceal history when it simply isn't true. Tulsa has more than its share of Trumpians but also contains a significant counterweight of very progressive, educated people. I don't know what more the city and its people could do to acknowledge the horrific events of 1921. Apologies for the rant, I see something to this effect any time it is brought up.

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