To the Guys Older Than 18-22, Let's Post Our Past Mistakes For The Younger Guys To Avoid.

It's been a while but fuck it, here are the most important lessons I've learned:

  • Love yourself. If you can't put effort into caring for yourself, no one else will.

  • Hygiene and good clothes go a long way. Groom your hair and beard, brush your teeth, follow tips that your mother gave you about hygiene! Good clothes don't have to be expensive. I've seen people look fucking awful in expensive ass clothes (look at the guys in Ed Hardy clothes). Clothes must fit you well and match your colors well, chose clothes that make you feel good. Go to /r/malefashionadvice for more info.

  • Don't be dull as shit. Get out there, read more, and diverse yourself by trying new things. You can do this easily by reading at least one news article a day, eating at a new place, or simply travel somewhere nearby that you've never been to. Find something that fires you up.

  • Canned openers don't work. Did you find a new one on Reddit? Chances are she's heard it before.

  • You can try 'this one weird trick to get her to like you' or you can 'say this one weird thing to trigger her desire for you' but keep in mind, women aren't stupid. They smell bullshit from a mile away. Cheap tricks will work on cheap, emotionally damaged women who hate their dads and have no self-respect for themselves. But they aren't worth your time. Approach with honesty and you'll attract a real woman.

  • Compliments can be bad. You should only compliment a woman (or man) when you mean it. Do you genuinely like her taste in music? Compliment her. Do you want to compliment her looks, shoes, taste in music, etc because you want to fuck her? Don't do it, she'll know you aren't being sincere. Find something you really like in a person and compliment them, then find something you don't really care about and compliment them. You'll notice a huge difference.

  • Learn to read her interest in you. You can memorize what body language you should look out for (if you can). But if you're like me, you can't remember all of that shit. So all you have to do is lookout for two things: 1. Is she paying attention? Is she focused on you or are her eyes wandering around? 2. Her contribution to the conversation. Is she actually engaging to the conversation? Or is she just replying with short answers such as 'yeah' 'ok' 'no' 'uh-huh' etc.

  • What to do if she isn't interested in you or says she has a boyfriend. You can see if she's at least interested in being friends but otherwise, you politely thank her for her time, tell her it was nice meeting her, and leave. In my opinion, girls who reject you right away are amazing. You get rejected right away but at least they won't play games with you by leading you on falsely.

*But if you really want to learn something valuable, here are my top *

  • 1. Change your goals for success. A lot of men feel like they need to be with the hottest woman ever. They need to impress their friends so they must only date the 10s. The problem with that is, you can't get a girl if your intention is to use her to get validation from others. That's needy behavior which stinks like shit.

Let's just say you did bag a chick that will impress your peers. Are you happy? What if the hottest girl in town isn't your type? This is why your goal is to date the woman who will make you happy, not a woman who will impress others. Sit down one day and write down what you're interests are. Also write down what shit is the most important to you. Then write what you look for in a girl. Compare the three, you'll find who will make you happy.

    1. Approach with honesty. The pick up lines, the tricks, and other tactics will only get you so far. Be yourself, because you're much more special than you think. Also, approach only women that you are genuinely attracted to and only approach them if you genuinely want to get to know them better. When you have honest approach and intentions, you'll go far.
    1. Exercise. You'll look better but the most important part is that you'll feel so much better.
    1. I said this before but I'll say it again because it's so important. Value yourself. Invest in your health, education, style, and over all well-being. You need this to increase your self esteem. There is no way you'll win the affection of anyone if you don't win yourself over. Love yo' self!
/r/seduction Thread