Guys of Reddit, what hurts your feelings that people might not even realize is hurtful? [Serious]

Treating me like I'm not a valid part of the team. I work with a super small RA team at a super small Christian university, and we constantly are told that our fellow RAs should be some of our best friends.

Problem is, that ain't the case at all. There's the inner circle (the senior RA and the RA who's engaged to the hall coordinator's sister-in-law), the Squad (the senior RA, and then the senior RA's two best friends), and then everybody else, then me.

I'm at the bottom of the totem pole. Apparently I'm a doormat, and I get told this to my face on a daily basis. I never hear any feedback about the literally fucking amazing way I handle the problems I encounter - like the fights I've broken up, the times I've busted residents for drug offenses but managed to help them stay at the school, the times I've missed classes so that I could help a struggling resident appeal his academic suspension, etc.

I am a neurotic, limp-wristed, needy, clingy guy when I'm not working, but when I'm in go-mode, I am one of the best goddamn RAs on the team. But because I'm not part of the popular crowds, I'm treated like shit.

Best job I've ever worked, but my coworkers suck sometimes.


/r/AskReddit Thread