Guys what have you noticed about 'women-only' spaces IRL and on the internet?

I deleted it because I realized how shitty my argument was. Sorry my mind is all over the place right now and I smoked weed for the first time in a while. But the main point was

95% of any group is good. Its the 5% the vocal minority that ruins it for the rest.

I don't have any problem with feminism at face value and I believe 95% of men would agree. Its the 5% of feminists who come up with these ridiculous arguments for the sake of making waves in todays world of viral/fake news (i.e. that hugh mongous chick) that stir up the 5% of 'meninists' (which I think is just as pathetic) and creates this back and fourth between two radical groups who will never agree in perpetuity. Its the 95% that could give two fucks about the stupid issues these outliers consistently bring to the forefront who really should be the ones engaging in civil discourse.

But I am always trying to broaden my horizons and take different perspectives into account if you would like to enlighten me. Maybe you can tell me why a woman only safe space bothers you? Because I could care less. Good for them is all I have to say. It has zero effect on my life. In the context of the question, it doesn't seem like there is anything stopping men from doing the same. But again, I could give two fucks about that too. Now adays it seems like most of these 'meninist' male only social experiments are only done so as a reaction to their female counterpart. Another example is that woman only Wonder Woman premier. How does that effect your life that you as a man would not be allowed to attend Its just a girls night no need to trivialize it. If your first reaction is 'well its infringing on my rights.... equality... ect.' you really need to find a different hill to die on.

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