Guys who rate women out of 10

So it's kind of odd that he shared that comment with you (most polite guys tend to think their girlfriend is 1000/10 or off the scale in beauty), but we do think like that, even if we don't use a number.

Men are inherently attracted to certain physical traits; for me, it's primarily the eyes. I'm likely not going to ask them out do to my demisexual tendencies, but hour glass figures sometimes catch me too. Kind of like when you see a man that's got chiseled abs, a cut chin, big biceps, et cetera.

Men often talk to each other when we notice, and go "dannngggg did you see her? She's a ten!"

Sorry you were called an 8/10. You deserve way more respect than that, even if it is pretty high on the scale. You should be out of the ballpark in his eyes!

/r/dating Thread