Gym Story Saturday

My gym only has three benches so they are often in use. I don't really mind I just stroll by and move to something else and check again later or if i really want to bench I'll queue or ask to work in for a couple of sets. The other day I walked to the free weight area and seeing they were fill kept walking to he water fountain for a refill. I filled my bottle and walked back the bench area and saw that somebody was finishing up so I walked to the bench and got there just as he was leaving. As I sat down on the bench and guy who was waiting kind of off in the distance gets pissed that I made it there before him so I ask if he wants to work in and he says "NO!" while grumbling something else and goes back to where he was waiting. He threw his bag on the ground and grumbled some more. As soon as he was done with his visible hissy fit another bench freed up and he took it.

/r/Fitness Thread