Hardcore becoming more popular

First off, i'm really glad this post was made, its great to hear different opinions on the topic of 1PP/3PP.

For me, I'm really excited to see a rise in 1PP server populations, for a long time 1PP servers were always so empty, so I would try and play First Person on 3PP servers because I wanted to experience what it was like to really play DayZ(personal opinion), and i'm sure you can all guess how that turned out. My lives were in fact very short due to the advantage the other players had over me, but this was what made me want to continue playing 1PP.

When you play 1PP on a 3PP server, you get to understand just how much of a difference in game play and even mechanics there is with both perspectives, and it really made me respect the 1PP community even more then I already did. I never gave up on my curiosity for 1PP and I slowly began to play on different 1PP servers until I found the r/dayzunderground 1PP server, and to be honest guys I really don't think I could go back to "seriously" playing on 3PP.

I have been on DUG for about a week now, and have already clocked in close to 40+ hours and let me tell you, those 40 hours have been some of the most intense, nerve wrecking, heart pumping, tear crying moments I have ever had in DayZ. Moments so tense, you could cut the air with a butter knife, where you see a squad running in a tree line then loose site and your stuck in the middle of a field. Where do you run? How can you look the full 360 around yourself without missing a single thing because your VP is above your character.. you can't. You really have to get skilled at looking in the four cardinal directions while still not missing a beat or moment...

I don't don't think I can truly express how amazing 1PP makes me feel, I would never be able to come up with the right words to portray it properly, I just know that a new aspect of DayZ has been opened up for me and there is no turning back!

Thank you so much to the players who play 1PP and continue to encourage those people who play 3PP to give it a try, I know there can be some people who give you the "3PP is for pu**ys, try 1PP and you'll get rekt", vise versa "3PP is where its at you can see your character, and everyone does it, so its fair"... but for the people who REALLY try and make a difference by understanding both perspective and give each a try while not completely shit-talking the other community, you are what make a difference in DayZ. Please keep up what your doing

my hats off to you guys<3

/r/dayz Thread