‘He May Not Even Be a Free Person,’ Warren Says of Trump in 2020

This is a point i think a lot of people forget/ignore, Hillary wouldn't have been worse because of her or her policies, she would have been worse because of an obstructionist house and senate that would have guaranteed her presidency would be a flop. We had signs but the majority really couldn't have known how horrific the revelations of Donny Moscow would be, or that they would be one of the few chances to attempt to save ourselves. We knew Trump would be bad, but the past two years have revealed something to the majority even a nightmare cant compete with.

The wake up call Trump has instigated, inadvertently, is technically more beneficial than anything a democratic presidency would have caused. The pain caused by Donald is unconscionable but at this point entirely necessary to have a chance at being better as a country, Hillarys Presidency would have left us still in the dark. I hate everything about the man and i hate that we have anything to thank him for, but his ineptitude can be our saving grace so long as we never forget the atrocities committed in our names and never let others forget. In his idiocy he has broken a massive portion of American apathy in regards to politics, we needed that broken decades ago.

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