I want to hear you opinions! Please help me understand Trump. (Asking as a Swedish newspaper contributor)

Sorry your not getting any good responses, but as an American in the never Trump camp I too have been trying to understand this and I think I get some of it anyone who actually supports the man I'd love it if you'd come on here and explain where I'm miss stating things or if I'm right I'd love a confirmation.

I think the first thing to realize is that Trump doesn't spring from the far right. That's Cruz. Trump is his own beast and doesn't fit cleanly on the traditional US right left dynamic.

Trump is actually it seems gaining his appeal from a similar place as Bernie. Wealth inequality is definitely a big issue and perceived to be perhaps even bigger than it is. Trump address this, that he blames mostly government incompetence and bad trade deals doesn't make him resonate any less.

I think the Trump phenomenon also partially from the decline of the US as a superpower or perhaps better stated as the rise of competitors to the US. For a while there after Soviet Union fell we lived in a simpler world geopolitical. The US was unchallenged on the world stage, that we make compromises on the world stage can feel like failure and symptomatic of poor spineless leadership.

As to Trumps many questionable statements I think his supporters take two angles on that. First they deny that Trump really said something that bad. Instead it's a miss quote and the media is leaving out context mostly because they hate Trump. In this casting Trump just looks good for speaking his mind and being the strong powerful leader they want.

Immigration I think where people disagree with Trump the most and I'd have to be one one of them, but I think Trump comes across here once again as powerful and speaks his mind in ways that many would agree with.

Once again the middle class is suffering in the US and it's reasonable to blame illegal immigration I think it's worth noting that for all of Europe's condemnation of the US for our immigration policy Europe has had to adopt perhaps even more stringent policies when faced with similar problems.

Banning all Muslims might seem a bit extreme, but the Trump supporter will turn to statistics pointing out the percent of Muslims who report agreeing with awful punishments for what most Americans think of as basic rights. Are these the kind of people we want in the US. No of course not and when places like Europe are so clearly failing when they try to allow Muslims to immigrate why should we follow there example.

I want to make it clear that these are not my views. I especially feel that we can certainly allow Muslims in to this country without a danger and without compromising our values. I believe that religion is almost never the best thing to make such a decision based on, but at the same time I think I can at least somewhat understand Trump supporters views.

/r/AskTrumpSupporters Thread