Help me please and thank you

I am at day 4 and I'm way less nauseous then the last 3, they were horrible!! I experienced and am experiencing the exact same things you are going through. You are going through this because, when you smoke Soo much, your brain and body basically shut down and let the thc do the heavy lifting.

You can't sleep because your brain has to start making seratonin again. The thx took over the job of making you sleepy.

You can't eat because your brain has to learn how to make you hungry again. Thc took over your hunger system.

You want to cry because the thx had been muteing you emotions. Now you brain has to relearn how to regulate you emotions again. They come spilling out uncontrollably.

All of these things will pass, but everyone is different. Was is common is that we need to eat , little bites, as much as you can handle. Drink water (at a normal pace), and sleep, sleep, sleep. These things have helped me, I hope they help you too.

BTW, if you have Netflix, watch "nailed it". It's funny as hell and it helped begin to sit still and reacclimate to media

/r/leaves Thread