Help with paradoxical chud friend?

If nothing else this is a testament the consensus that gender dysphoria is not some choice that people make relative to personal preference, political leanings, soy intake, etc. Obv there’s a whole spectrum of gender bending goodness out there in the world, but there are lots of folks who are for real deal just not in the right body. This affects ppl from all cultures, all walks of life. It’s not that there are no transgender chuds, it’s that presumably nearly all of of them prefer the warm embrace of xenophobia to the harsh realities of liberation politics.

Recall all the instances of evangelical hucksters who get busted with a dicks in both hands after spending decades decrying the “sin” of homosexuality? It’s not quite the same, of course, but I hope you see my point.

I agree it’s awful that folks in general are so unwilling to stand in solidarity with their fellow humans, but your friend’s situation is perhaps not as unusual as it seems. Trans visibility is a relatively recent development, so you have to give society a chance to catch up. There are lots of conservative queer folks out there. Just because your friend is trans doesn’t mean they can’t be an asshole.

/r/ChapoTrapHouse Thread