Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will "Never, Ever Come To Pass"

See, this is why these headlines are terrible. It wants you to think Clinton doesn't care about universal healthcare. Which is untrue. She doesn't believe you can get to single-player while throwing out the ACA in the process. The work done by th act needs improved, and she understand this, but she isn't interested in going back again to move forward. Here is the full quote, with context:

"I want you to understand why I am fighting so hard for the Affordable Care Act," she said at Grand View University after hearing from a woman who spoke about her daughter receiving cancer treatment thanks to the health care law. "I don't want it repealed, I don't want us to be thrown back into a terrible, terrible national debate. I don't want us to end up in gridlock. People can't wait!"

She added, "People who have health emergencies can't wait for us to have a theoretical debate about some better idea that will never, ever come to pass."

Sanders plan would replace the ACA, something the Democratic party has worked for decades on, as is a promise that seems unreasonably optimistic with the environment in Washington.

I know people are excited about Sanders. I like him, too. But it's naive to think two things, that a) Bernie has shown any particularly qualities that that make him stand out ahead of President Obama as far as his ability to push forward healthcare reform through a Congress that hates the idea, and B) that won't matter because the "Bernie Revolution" is going to continue sweeping up the seats in the Congress to make his ideas happen. We're currently too gerrymandered, too divided by agenda driven people making out-of-context headlines like this submission, and in a reality where people use words interchangeably when they are not the same thing in an effort to confuse the conversation.

Single-payer isn't going to pass in America in the next President's term, as much as I would personally love it to.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - ibtimes.com