Hillary Clinton was right about the "deplorables" — and about the end of Roe v. Wade | Still hate Hillary's guts? Fine. But let's admit that she saw all this coming — and way before the rise of Trump

What? Don't be ridiculous, lol.

  • cult of personality -- HRC is the opposite, she is widely seen as lacking charisma so she has no rabid mob to rally and no flashy theatrics, so no way can she ever have a cult of personality
  • voter base cries "rigged" - nobody said anything was rigged when HRC lost to Obama, for instance
  • tax returns - she released 30+ years of FULL tax returns the day she announced her candidacy, Bernie took 5 years to release any full returns
  • frequently wishes to cater more fully to white middle-American voters - Bernie constantly whines about Democrats needing to pay more attention to white people, while she's spent decades doing the work to cultivate Black voters to her side - super predators notwithstanding, since Black leaders of the era were guiding that particular policy back then
  • zero foreign policy knowledge, to the point of being a joke - HRC was literally secretary of state
  • constantly attacks the party he is running under, encourages his base to hate the party - she is the party establishment, so of course she isn't going to tear it down
  • attacks "identity politics" when he's asked about race - HRC in contrast has never attacked identity politics and never called race issues a distraction from "the real issue"... she's also actually worked for racial justice throughout her career unlike Bernie who did one thing 50+ years ago and called it quits.
  • supports pro-life politicians, wants more pro-life politicians in his camp - HRC has not supported any pro life politics ever, and would never consider abortion rights or any other human rights negotiable in the political or legal arena; Bernie literally said he'd happily trade abortion rights away to get M4A, christ what an asshole.
  • makes grandiose I-am-the-best-ever statements about himself that are laughably false (Bernie called himself "the most feminist candidate running" in 2016 and in 2020) - Hard to imagine HRC ever saying such grandiose things, not her style.
  • supports anyone, even politically misaligned people, as long as they kiss his ass (Tulsi Gabbard, Health Mello) - HRC lends her political support based on political calculations, not based on who kisses her ass most loudly in the moment.
  • attacks anyone, even progressive groups, if they don't support him personally (e.g. Planned Parenthood) Again, HRC bases her decisions of whom to attack on political calculations, and does not throw tantrums just because her ego was hurt in the moment.
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