In his Riyadh speech, President Trump described Islam as "one of the world’s great faiths"

Propaganda has degraded the critical thinking abilities of a third of our population.

I agree. Communism has taken over our university system and is actively infecting the youth with toxic propaganda. We're seeing the effects of decades of propaganda occuring today, as foretold by KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov, with the rise of Social Democrats, the muckraking of American History, and the over-objectification of the human body.

A lot of young people do not want to have a constructive argument. They do not care about seeing the other side's beliefs. They are taught and reinforced that their beliefs are right and everyone else's are evil and must be destroyed.

The fundamental fabric of American society, which include the principles of life, liberty, free enterprise, and the pursuit of happiness, is being abandoned in favor of what the left considers to be justice, security, and acceptance. I hope I am proven wrong and that there will be a future resurgence of Americanism.

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