“Do you honestly think Donald Trump would endorse a product that is a scam?”

Funny how people do so much selective reporting on devos. There was a 60 minutes piece last year about a black-owned charter school in the inner city and not one time did they mention/ask about trump+devos being pro-charter schools. Then earlier this year they do an interview with devos and they have the nerve to refer to her title 9 reforms as "misogynistic". These are the reforms that aim to stop universities from having kangaroo courts that allow men to get suspended for rape with nothing more than an accusation. Reforms that many schools are choosing to ignore, in fact.

On reddit when they talk about how bad devos is they always always reference the teachers union. The same teachers union that endorsed clinton before the primaries were through even though the teachers themselves were evenly divided between her and sanders. The same teachers union that stands to lose influence and money from trump directing funding towards charter schools. Is it really about "the children" or is it about politics and money? Because the pro-charter narrative is that increased competition through choice benefits the students.

/r/antiMLM Thread Parent