This is how bright the nights can get when it snows. Photo taken at 1:30AM.

Not really the place for this question, but I'm just curious. What are your feelings about "on accident"? I was taught it is "by accident" and now tons of people here say it the former way, and no one bats an eye even though it doesn't make sense(to me at least). Then there is the crowd that says language evolves and changes, so "on accident" is now correct, so get used to it .I should mention I feel the way you do about "should/would of" about "on accident". But at the same time, is that not language evolving and what not? I'd say there is a very large percentage of people saying should of based on comments all over reddit correcting "of" to "have". I've seen maybe two correcting on accident, and they got told off, citing evolving language. I'm just guessing here but I assume should of is derived from the pronunciation of should've, which in my Canadian dialect sounds identical to should of, so to me, it seems like a very possible reason. But is that not an example of language evolving? Just like on accident is possibly from hearing on purpose and applying that logic to accident? I don't know man. Language is cool as shit I'd just like your take on it since you seem to like it too.

TL;DR I have nothing better to do today

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