How can I (34M) support my wife (32F) that has significant postpartum depression but refuses counselling?

Listen man.. I'm a registered nurse, and I also have a son who's mother I'm not with. She left, and I handled it wrong.

Throw out conventional "wisdom". She is sick of you being soft and 'supportive'.. you should get angry that she is messing with your mind. You should start to ignore her as much as possible, and start to dramatically improve your body. She needs to see that you don't need her. You need to pull away.

She is running and expects you to chase her. If you keep chasing She will continue to lose respect for you.

Last piece of advice and most important: begin to avoid sex and/or masturbation. Women have a 7th sense for men who are retaining their semen (life force). The only thing that can save this is you becoming dramatically stronger, and rejecting her disrespect.

Nice guys finish LAST. Good luck brother.

/r/relationship_advice Thread