How can Riot say that Dynamic Ranked is "indisputably better" than Ranked Teams?

Except that is really not how it works the majority of the time. Usually every team has a wide arrange of players and everyone is enjoying it... hence the new complaints against it being removed.

People think because they are X rank in solo Q that that means their team ranked should play the exact same tier... that is not how it works.

If you have a team who ends up in gold, you are going to play other teams who end up in gold. That does mean that the players are going to be of varying skill levels, and that is how it works. The games ends up being close matches because of that. You are matched based on your TEAMS ELO.

If the low elo players didn't enjoy it,. then they wouldn't play it... except they do because it is balanced and everyone likes playing with their friends. The team ELO ends up where it belongs because that is exactly how it works.

The majority of the complaints are coming from people who played 5 games ever in ranked 5s and were mad their promos were unbalanced... as if they doesn't happen in solo Q.

Your example of "a plat and 4 bronze" is idiotic because that exact team would be matched up against the same or somethign like 5 silvers into an even and intense match. If every game that one high elo player with his 4 low friends stomped, then they would be challenger... except they aren't because they hit an area in which they are evenly matched.

That is exactly how ranking systems work. Teams end up where they have a ~50% winrate. The claim that the games are always horribly imbalanced is illogical and untrue simply by the existence of a ranking system. If your team is mid-gold in ranked 5s, that does not mean the enemy team should be a team of 5 gold solo-q players. It means their team, is in the top X% at winning in TEAM 5s.

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