how do you take care of somebody who has a fever of 95 degrees Fahrenheit and is vomiting up blood?


911 paramedic here. First, 95 is rather cold and not a fever. This makes me think that she has been drinking cold fluids, possibly that are red. If that is the case, and she feels fine don’t worry about it and take her to a doctor within a day or two.

Now, if she has not had and red food, or any red drinks and she vomiting blood, it’s important as to what the blood looks like. If it’s bright red streaks in her vomiting of mucus, and not a lot, it’s probably ok. That is coming from her throat and maybe just from her coughing or irritation.

If it is dark, like coffee grounds, this is coming from her lower GI tract and it is an emergency. If it is bright blood and anything more than streaking, that is an emergency.

If she is truly 95degrees and had a bad fever in the days prior to today. That is an emergency as it could be cold sepsis.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread