How common is it that men take dick pics “for their own enjoyment” and what do those that do, get out of it exactly?

Yeah I've never heard of any of my friends, or me, taking dick pics not to send to anyone. Seems very odd. Plus, if it was actually that I don't see why anyone wouldn't just straight up say it.

The only time I have was when I wanted actual medical advice but didn't want to go to a doctor (lol), then only other thing I can think of is maybe he wasn't sending it directly to someone, but more posting it on a dick subreddit for example, or somewhere there's broad reach rather than a targeted individual but I doubt that makes it any better if that's the case. But no, generally speaking It's unheard of for me.

The fact it's in deleted makes me also feel like he was trying to hide it. And you are right about forgetting, most times I irrationally hear "I forgot" is usually when someones going on the defensive.

/r/AskMen Thread