How to I convince my girlfriend I think she is beautiful?

Been in my relationship for a decade you can't you really can't she has to see herself as beautiful first.

Its like teaching a cat to respond to the word tuna by saying it every time you feed them. Then you learn the cat responds to tuna like its feeding time and its funny. So you start saying tuna to get the cats attention for friends and family and lolz.

Cat starts getting wise and quits one day so you do too in hopes it will act the same way after sometime.

But it never does it may look at you and occasionally answer once every few months when its just you and no one else around.

Get her too love herself again sounds like the baby is putting a damper on the relationship. Find a sitter and go out on a date anywhere that will take your minds off baby and be a couple. Remind her of a time it was just the two of you madly in love staring into the face of the unknown together. These things can consume a relationship into oblivion if not properly cared for and gently maintained.

The goal is to have every single date 100% about the two of you making new memorys. No distractions No phones, No worry, No Baby, Absolutely No Stressors. A relationship will die if not feed proper amounts of stress free couple activities.

Line up multiple baby sitters and don't favor one over another if you burn one out it will put more responsibility and time on another making them likely too burn out as well. Never Ever Demand they sit last minute if they are unavailable like you they can't always drop everything at the drop of a hat. That said you can't always properly plan ahead unexpected things can happen thats why you line up multiple sitters if one isn't available and never get demanding and pushy if they are all unavailable.

/r/Advice Thread